Thursday, March 26, 2009

Warning, if you're not part of the Bilderberg Group, this film may get you a little sad. . Don't give up people, this stuff isn't new. I don't care what anybody says I still think Obama's a cool ass dude, just don't forget that someone else is making your decisions for you.....

Monday, March 9, 2009


We stopped in Indianapolis the next day to hang with longtime friends Sacred and Nemasis of IWS, FAB crew

Killing the game/Cincinnatti...

We made time to do some sight seeing....

This Avert piece was hella fresh...

Vip room in the back of the gallery.

One of my pieces.
Here are some pics from "Killing the game", a show i was in along with some homies. Exhaust and I drove down for the opening. Was a good time. And if you don't know who these artists are, check them out, these Cincinatti guys got their work on point.

Jose Pedro Gabriel Godinez


Robbie Burgess

Tony Frissell had some super dope mixed media collages.

Danny Babcock

Matt Daylar